Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1988-1998 Writer Spotlight - Brian "Civicminded" Lesyk

A machine. That’s what comes to mind when I think of Brian “Civicminded” Lesyk. Other than me, he wrote the most essays for my most recent book, The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1988-1998, and he turned them all in well before the deadline. He’s also collaborated with me on several long-form articles when I was simply too busy to write them on my own, doing most of the heavy lifting and always turning the work in ahead of time. Not only is he punctual and prolific, he writes clean copy, and his words reveal just how much he cares and knows about the subject of retro gaming.

Brian is a bundle of positive energy and a fantastic writer, and I’m super stoked that he’s started writing for Old School Gamer, a gig he definitely deserves. And I’m sure he’s super stoked as well--he's extremely enthusiastic about every writing project he takes on. Additionally, listeners can enjoy his insights on the Pass the Controller podcast. More importantly, he’s a staunch ally for various marginalized communities, as you can see if you follow him on social media. If more people mirrored Brian's dedication and inclusivity, the retro gaming community would be an even cooler space to inhabit. I’m proud to call him my friend, and I always look forward to running into him at the next convention. See you soon, Brian!

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