The legendary rock band KISS has recently announced The End of the Road, a three-year tour where they will say farewell to their fans and go out with a self-described bang. With this in mind, I reached out to noted KISS collector and Three Sides of the Coin podcast co-host Mark Cicchini, who I first met when I appeared on Three Sides a couple of years ago to promote my book, Encyclopedia of KISS. He was kind enough to take time out of his busy day to talk about his childhood, his introduction to KISS, some of the cooler items in his collection, and the aforementioned tour.
WEISS: I’m calling you on a sad day. I guess you heard that Gene Simmons’ mom
CICCHINI: I’ve actually known it was coming. She’s been sick for a while.
I guess that wasn’t public knowledge?
No, it wasn’t. I’ve been pretty good friends with the band and the crew for a
long time, so you know…I’ve known about it for about a week now. Anyways, what’s
What is your first memory of KISS?
My older brother back in the fall of 1974 brought home Hotter Than Hell when it
was new, and it spoke to me because at that time I was already listening to…I
didn’t call it heavy metal or whatever, but I roller skated a lot as you did in
the Midwest, and you were able to request songs at the DJ’s booth. You roller skated
to music.
I remember those days well.
I would always request Smoke on the Water, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet by BTO,
and School’s Out by Alice Cooper. All that kind of music had that “chunk, chunk,
It had a crunch to it.
Yeah! I couldn’t verbalize it then, but I liked that sort of sound. The stuff I
wanted to skate to, the stuff I wanted to move to had loud guitars. That’s what
I related to. Also, in the fall of 1974, I was nine years old, and there was
nothing I loved more—culturally at least—than Universal monsters, Frankenstein
and Dracula. I read Famous Monsters of Filmland every month. Obviously, when
you get this Hotter Than Hell album and hold it in your hands, you can see that
the visuals are huge. But then when you put it on the turn table, what did I
hear? “Chunk, chunk, chunk.” I heard the sounds that I like, so I was hooked
immediately. It sounded like it looked. It really appealed to me. That was my
first taste of KISS.
What was the first KISS record you bought with your own money?

What was it like having ownership of a KISS item like that?
I was happy to get it before my brother did, that was fun [Laughter]. It was awesome,
I played that record to death. As a matter of fact, I still have that copy of
that record in my collection and would never trade for it.
What was the first piece of KISS memorabilia that you bought that wasn’t a
I started right away with magazines. And newspaper clippings. Before there was
really any KISS merchandise, they were in the newspaper a lot, like in the
weekend section. KISS was really big here in Detroit early on. I was always
cutting out those articles and pictures. Fast forward to 2018 and the Gene
Simmons Vault, some of those things I cut out when I was a kid ended up in the
booklet of the Gene Simmons Vault.
That’s awesome!
Yeah, the first things I started to collect were do-it-yourself.
I did the same thing. I remember when KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park was on
the cover of the local Fort Worth TV guide, I cut that out, and I would cut out
articles and photos and stuff anytime I saw them. And the magazines, too. Like
from 16 magazines, I would cut out pictures and glue them into a scrapbook.
I didn’t even know I was collecting. It was just something fun that I thought
was cool. I ended up with a box of magazines with KISS on the cover,
like Circus and Rock Scene. Then came the posters and the belt buckles. I did
everything in real time. As you saw it come out, like in ’76 the Destroyer belt
buckle, that kind of stuff, I would buy it. I used to joke that I wanted anything
with the funny "S’s" [Laughs].
Were your parents were pretty indulgent, then? Would they buy you things, or
did you have to earn the money?
My mother was extremely supportive because it made her kid happy. If she saw a
picture of KISS in the newspaper, she made sure to tell me so I could cut it
out. My mom was so supportive she bought me 16 magazine because I was too embarrassed
to buy it. My mom was super supportive in everything that I did. My dad was always working,
but he did notice that my bedroom walls suddenly looked a little different,
with KISS posters and pinups on the wall. It’s not that he wasn’t supportive,
he was just working all the time, so KISS wasn’t really on his radar.
I remember getting 16 and some of those other teen magazines and just wading
through all the Barry Gibb crap to get to the KISS stuff.
Dude, some of those Super Teens had some of the best fuckin’ posters in them.
But I wouldn’t buy them because they had Leif Garrett on the cover [Laughter].
But my mom bought them for me because I wanted the poster. My mother and my
father were both wonderful people. I got along famously with both. But my mom
would fuck with me about it, though, in a joking way. Like if she wanted
something done around the house, she said she would buy me a magazine, that
kind of thing. It was always good-natured fun.
Did you have the KISS van model kit and the record player and that kind of
Oh, yeah, every year for my birthday and Christmas, I just wanted KISS stuff.
And I was lucky, too, because my older brother and older sister were both big
rock music fans. Especially my sister. She was four years older than me. When I
was 12 in ’77, she was 16. She’d drive me to the mall, and our malls had all
the posters, everything. I’d always take my birthday money. My birthday’s in May,
almost exactly six months from Christmas, so between the six-month cycles, I’d
buy every KISS thing I could get. Plus, I cut grass, and my dad would take me
to work on Saturdays so we could spend time together, and when I was there I’d
sweep the shop or paint a pole or something. My dad was always really cool
about that. Being from a big Italian family, my grandfather would just give me
money because I was his grandkid. I’d take that and go buy KISS stuff.
Do you still have all the original stuff you bought back in the day?
Everything! For example, I never replaced my original Destroyer—I can’t! I don’t
care how many re-issues there are. Yeah, I’ve got a re-issue on CD, but I’m not
replacing that vinyl; that’s mine, mother fucker! I bought that when it was new, probably April
of ’76. Mine has the original label.
So, you kept the toys and everything? That’s awesome.

Oh, no!
Yeah, it hadn’t been used in 30 years.
Well, it’s hard to blame you for playing with your toys [Laughter].
Yeah, I know, I went to pop it, and the yellow thing that says “bang” ripped in
half. Again, that’s my original copy of the album. From Love Gun on, I bought
every KISS album without exception on the day it was released. I remember
getting Creatures of the Night and The Elder at the music store on the way home
from school.
Was there any hesitation in buying The Elder with it’s odd cover and everything?
Why would I? I didn’t know it was going to sound like that.
Were you puzzled when you saw the cover for The Elder? Were you like, “Where’s
the band?”
No, I never thought that. I just knew it was a new KISS record, and I remember in
the interviews Paul Stanley saying it was going to be something special…It wasn’t…At
the time I was buying Van Halen, Ted Nugent, Aerosmith, and the Scorpions. That
was what I liked. My favorite band, KISS, quite honestly let me down. The music
sounded like the band looked on Hotter Than Hell, but with The Elder, they didn’t
sound like that anymore.
Getting back to the memorabilia, I know it’s not a money thing to you. You just
love the band, and you love collecting because it makes you happy, but with
KISS being in the news a lot lately—for the 40th anniversary, the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction, and the End of the Road tour—can you comment
on if the value of KISS collectibles has gone up? Is that on your radar at all?
I do not pay attention to that stuff. I don’t care. I never bought one thing as
an investment. If you’re gonna invest, invest in gold or bonds. Don’t invest in
collectibles. I don’t care if it’s KISS or Elvis or whatever. If one day people
decide that KISS, Elvis, and the Beatles aren’t cool anymore—don’t say it’s not
possible—it’s damn well possible. Especially with millennials and people getting
older. There’s gonna be a bunch of people who just say, “Who cares?”
Elvis collectibles have gone down in value in recent years.
Because the people who grew up with Elvis are pushing up daises. That’s just
evolution and time. I didn’t get into KISS collecting to make money. I know
that I’ve spent well over $100,000 on KISS stuff over my life time. That’s
probably a low estimate. But you know what? I own my own business, I work
really hard, and that stuff at the end of the day puts a smile on my face. That’s
the sole reason I do this. It’s fun, and it’s relaxing, and I enjoy every
second of it.
What are some of your favorite items in your collection, and what are some of
the rarer items?
I’ve got stage-worn costumes. I did some things for Gene Simmons, and he gave
me a stage-played bass. I know people can buy those, but Gene gave me mine
because I helped him out with some stuff.

Yeah, it is. In 1977, Peter Criss won “Best Drummer” from Circus magazine, and
Shure Microphones sponsored the contest. The prize from Circus was a Shure golden
microphone, and the magazine would send it to them. I have Peter Criss’s engraved
golden microphone. I bought it from his ex-wife, Lydia.
Truly a one-of-a-kind item.
I also have the issue of Circus with Peter’s name in there as the winner. On
the address label, it’s marked “To KISS’s management office.” On Lydia’s book,
Sealed with a KISS, that golden microphone I have since bought from her is on
the cover.
I’ve got that book; it’s excellent. Do you have a lot of your stuff on display in
your home in glass showcases and on shelves?
Yep, both.
Do you get some interesting reactions from non-fans or from your wives’ friends
or whomever?
Oh, yeah. As a matter of fact, when my kids were young—they’re now both in
their 20s—but when they were younger, their friends would come over and play.
The whole basement is done up in KISS, and one of my son’s friends would call
it The Haunted Basement [Laughter]. They didn’t see it as scary haunted, it’s
just that it had—they didn’t who KISS was—they just saw these big costumes on mannequins
down in the basement.
I’ll be that’s something they still remember and talk about. When you’re a kid,
your imagination runs wild, and if there’s a cool dad on the street that has
this crazy basement, I’m sure it made an impression.
Do you ever sell anything? Do you ever decide that something is so expensive
you want to sell it, or maybe you just don’t want it anymore?
It’s a vacuum. Once it comes into the collection, it stays.
What do you think of The End of the Road tour?
The End of the Road tour? Meh. KISS is going to go on in one form or another. They’ve
talked about no-names taking their places in the band. KISS is never gonna end.
Once they stop touring, do you think Gene Simmons is just going to go into
hiding and never come out again? You think Paul Stanley—with his art and
jewelry and his tennis shoes and his food—is going to disappear? No, they’re
going to be everywhere. There’s going to be KISS conventions. They’re calling
it The End of the Road tour, but KISS is never gonna end. That’s the beauty of
And about Ace Frehley and Peter Criss not being involved in the tour?
They’re not in the band. Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer are. They are phenomenal
musicians. KISS with Tommy and Eric has been KISS since 2004.
That’s longer than the original lineup was together.
Yeah! And they’ve released two incredible studio albums and one incredible live
album. KISS is an embodiment of an attitude. KISS is on fire! I love KISS just the
way they are!
*For more KISS info, you can read my interview with Lydia Criss HERE.
*For a LOT more KISS reading, check out my book, Encyclopedia of KISS.
*For a LOT more KISS reading, check out my book, Encyclopedia of KISS.
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