Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
My kids and I are almost done watching the entire seven-season Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, one of my favorite television shows of all time (along with The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, STNG, and The Outer Limits). Some could argue that Buffy is a little too adult at times for preteens, and they would be right on some accounts (DVD remote always in hand, I've skipped past a number of scenes and one entire episode), but watching the show has been a worthwile experience for my increasingly inquisitive kids. While discussing certain episodes, we've had conversations about loyalty, friendship, poor choices (and their consequences), moral ambiquity, homosexuality (the concept may be icky, but it's important to treat the people with respect), sacrifice, betrayal, writing for dramatic effect, and many other topics. One setback of watching the show is that it has spoiled them to some degree for other programs, since the characters are so likable and the writing is of such high quality.
On a related note, I recently reviewed issue number six of the current Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book series, which picks up where the TV show left off. Here, reprinted from CBG, is that review:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #6
Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Artist: Georges Jeanty
When the credits rolled on the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in May of 2003, it left a tremendous void in primetime programming. Joss Whedon’s show about a demon killer and her misfit friends (a.k.a. the “Scooby Gang”) was a witty, pitch perfect metaphor for teenage angst (not to mention a darned good action/adventure/horror yarn).
Enter Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, a well written comic book series that gives fans reason to be excited. Issue #6 stars Faith, the tough talking, morally ambiguous slayer who is the “go-to girl for dirty deeds done dirt cheap.” She must kill off a room full of child vampires, an act that pierces even her calloused heart. She must also prepare for a special mission by learning the ways of English high society (ala My Fair Lady), setting up a potentially delicious seventh issue.
Faith looks as much like Gina Davis as she does Eliza Dushku, but Giles is recognizable, and the dialogue fits the characters. When Giles speaks, you can practically hear Anthony Stewart Head in your, um, head.
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