LANSING, MI—Anyone who goes to the Michigan State University library can check
out the prose of such literary legends as Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Proust.
They can also read the works of (Carl) Barks, (Stan) Lee and (Marv) Wolfman,
writers of such four-color masterpieces as Walt
Disney's Comics and Stories, The
Amazing Spider-Man and The New Teen
Titans (respectively).
more than 250,000 different issues, MSU is home to the world’s largest comic
book library, eclipsing even that of The Library of Congress. Further, MSU’s
system is more reader-friendly than the library in our nation’s capital.
Library of Congress doesn’t have as many comics, but they’re working on it,”
said Comic Art Bibliographer Randy Scott, who catalogs, curates, and solicits
donations for MSU’s massive collection. “Our procedures can be a little
intimidating—written requests, no food or drink at the tables, etc.—but The
Library of Congress is more difficult to use. A few years back, they wanted
requests three days in advance of use. [Editor's note, the LOC does not currently require this waiting period.] Our pledge is to get any comic to your
reading table in 60 seconds.”
man who truly enjoys his job, Scott has been with MSU for more than four
was working in a comic book shop and couldn’t pay the bills,” he said. “Got a
big raise to $3.15 per hour in 1973 by moving to the library.”
to a beloved family member, Scott began reading comic books from an early age.
Eddie worked on the lake freighters, and when he came back from a couple of
weeks on the boat, he’d bring a pile of comics,” Scott said. “This was from
around 1954 to 1959. The cousins, my brother, and I would spend hours reading
everything from Little Lulu to Strange Adventures. I remember reading
the first issue of Superman’s Girlfriend
Lois Lane [1958] in my uncle’s living room.”

isn’t as concerned about the monetary value of the comics as he is the cultural
and literary importance of the medium.
are a literature, and like all literature they help us know ourselves,” he
said. “Literature records our acts and thoughts and feelings like nothing else,
and comics have their part to play. In
comics’ characteristic word-image combination, we see unique efforts to combine
right and left brain perceptions, and/or visual and verbal comprehension, and
we get the chance to identify with ducks and mice and galaxy-spanning surfers
and stuff. Just figuring out what makes
that all so cool seems like a life’s work to me.”
an article published on www.mlive.com, Ray Walsh, owner of a nearby store
called Curious Book Shop, referred to the incredible comic archive as “Michigan
State University’s best kept secret.” He also said that “many local comic book
fans don’t realize this trove exists.”
may be explain why the library within a library is underutilized, at least relative
to the fantastic wonders contained within.
get maybe between 5 and 20 readers per week,” Scott said. “Most of it is
research, in that they’re doing it for classes. And 10 or so people per year
actually come here from out of town to work on dissertations or books.”
said the comics draw “recreational readers” as well, whose tastes are “all over
the map,” from historical to funny animal to superhero.
may wonder why you should include comic books, which for decades were looked
upon as throwaway reading for sub-literates, in the library of a university as
prestigious as MSU.
believes he has the answer.
have been a big fraction of American literary production since at least the mid-20th
century,” he said. “We just have never counted them as part of the literature,
but they are. I think if you could figure it out, by number of pages of
original material produced, comics are probably a least a quarter of American
literature. So why the heck wouldn’t a library collect comics?”
The Library of Congress does not require a 3 day advance request to access the comic book collection! Though it isn't a browsing collection, researchers are encouraged to come and use the collections!
Point taken, I'll amend or take out the quote, thanks!
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