Wednesday, March 7, 2018

SNES Omnibus Contributor Spotlight #12 - Matt Henzel

Matt Henzel is one of the most devoted video game fans I know. He’s the epitome of “hardcore gamer,” collecting, playing, and researching consoles from all eras, from the beginning of the industry to the PlayStation 4 and beyond. On various Facebook groups, Matt weighs in on a mind-boggling array of topics, sharing his encyclopedic expertise and knowledge with anyone who asks. He selflessly spends time preserving video game history in the form of high quality images he gladly shares with content creators. All you have to do is ask. Matt also contributed some excellent insider insights to my SNESOmnibus project. Thanks, Matt, you’re an asset to the industry.

Here’s Matt’s bio in my forthcoming book, The SNES Omnibus:The Super Nintendo and Its Games, Vol. 1 (A-M).

Matt Henzel, the founder of, began gaming with a Pong clone system, which his parents bought for the family in 1977. His collecting started with the ColecoVision in 1982, and he has bought and collected most every gaming system since. His collection also includes videogame books, promotional items, and complete sets of magazines. His website, started in 1996, contains thousands of high quality, personally scanned and photographed video game covers from his collection. Matt shares these with authors of video documentaries and books on gaming’s rich history. In the past, he’s helped supply images and knowledge to: Double Fine/2 Player Productions (various documentaries), Rusel DeMaria (High Score: The illustrated History of Electronic Games), PBS (The Video Game Revolution), On-Networks (Play Value), and RetrowareTV (The Video Game Years).

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